Cây sơn – Rhus succedanea
http://faunaandfloraofvietnam.blogspot.com/2014/07/cay-son-rhus-succedanea.html : Cây sơn – Rhus succedanea : date de publication 29 juin 2014
Titre : The Book Of Urushi Japanese Lacquerware From a Master Gonroku Matsuda
Résumé : Urushi Japonese lacqueware, is perhaps the oldest and most siblime of art the Japanese and crafts. Its history goes back more than 7.000 years, and it is still vibrantly alive today. It is praticed by craitsmen working in time-honored techniques and by modern artists forging the future. Valued for its utilitarian durability, urushi dveloped into an incomparable art, adoring a multude of objects from luxurious palaces to lavish murals and exquisitely crafted fountain pens. The present book, written more than fifty years ago by the Living Nationl Treasure Gonku Matsuda, has long been must reading for collectors, researchers, and Laypeople. It is the Bible of Urushi, covering every conceivable of the subject. It includes by history and masterworks by Matsuda himself.
The present edition has been supervised by Kazumi Murose, a disciple of Matsuda’s and a Living National Treasure in his ower right. His Foreword enables the reader to acquire a broader understanding of the contents of the book and to gain a deeper appreciation of its value and impact on the world of urushi.
Auteurs : Gonroko Matsuda
Édition : Japanes Lacquerware Fom a Master
Supervised : Kazumi Murose
Translated : Micheal Brase and Makiko Komada
Date d’édition : 2019
Langues : Vn et Uk
Bibliothèque : Japon Fondations In Hanoï
Autre information : Center for Cultural Exchange In Vietnam
Lieu : 27 Quang Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Autorisation : Consultable sûr place
URL : https://www.jpf.go.jp/e/about/jfic/lib/link/vietnam.html
JPF- VN Library N° : 420-156
ISBN 10 : 4866580607ISBN 13 : 9784866580609
ISBN : 978-4-86658-060-9
Dates de consultation : 26 octobre 2023

Titre : Trển Lãm Nghệ Thuaajp Sơn Mài Châu Á
Résumé : Asian Lacquer art exhition // Chương trình đổi nghề sơn mài thủ công châu á ở Hà Nội // Asian lacquer craft exchange program in Hanoi
Date de publication : 28/08/2016
Langues : Vn et Uk
Édition : Bảo Tàng Mỹ Thuật Việt Nam // Vietnam Fine Arts Museum
Lieux : Takahashi industrial and Economic Research Foundation
Bibliothèque : Japon Foundation In Hanoi
Autre information : Center for Cultural Exchange In Vietnam
Autorisation : Consultable sûr place
JPF-VN Library N° : 950-009
Lieu : 27 Quang Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
URL : https://www.jpf.go.jp/e/about/jfic/lib/link/vietnam.html
Adresse édition : 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi